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tabella configurazioni mocap

Variety of applications

​One of the great potentials of inertial sensor technology is the scalability of the system based on the number of inertial units used. Here you can find a summary based on our experience in research and literature.

Naturally, based on the number of units to be used it is possible to think of a specific sensorized garment.

no camera

Pivot Tennis

We often hear about movement analysis in sport, performance measurement and reporting for athletes, injury prevention and much more. Although most of the tools to be used in sports are relegated to equipped laboratories, already several years ago Turingsense had pushed the use of the first generation of IMU (PIVOT) and a body-based interfacing system to the maximum on elastic bands, for the purpose of:

  • offer the beginner tennis player a tool for training the fundamentals of tennis

  • generate a custom dataset

  • deal with different styles of different professionals


Despite the limitations linked to the user's setup, based on bands, the system has demonstrated over time that it can provide valid assistance in the proprioception of one's motor pattern and in the rapid training of athletic movements. Many of us learned to play tennis during our tests...

no camera

Pivot Yoga

​Pivot Yoga was a real milestone in Turingsense. Based on the latest generation IMU, completely based on already sensorized clothing, it allowed the user to compare himself (via the pivoting system explained in these pages) with a Yoga instructor and, in real time, understand which part of his pose should be correct for the success of the Yoga sequence.


Also based on the mag-free system described previously, tackling dozens and dozens of even advanced Yoga poses, Pivot Yoga currently represents the simplest motion capture system applied to the most complicated scenario that movement analysis has ever experienced.


​After Tennis and Yoga, fitness could not be missing. One of the great limitations of the sector is that of measuring fitness exercises based on single IMU systems (if you have read these lessons you now know the limits) or using camera systems that do not allow you to observe in overall 3D what happens during a physical exercise.


During sit-ups, are we working the right way with arms, legs and back? How many repetitions can we do and how are we progressing during our physical preparation?


Our technology can answer these questions.

Coffee at the bar


​The entire system and body calibration procedure with Turingsense technology takes so little time that it was jokingly called internally "Espresso Calibration". This is because it lasts practically as long as the preparation of an Italian Espresso.

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Turingsense EU Lab

Your movements matter.

2015 - 2024 Turingsense EU Lab S.r.l. - Via Monte San Michele 10, 47122 Forlì (FC) - P.IVA 04222090401

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