​Our products and services
From the first generation of IMUs, up to customizable sensorized clothing, Turingsense offers a wide range of solutions for the world of motion analysis.
Turingsense State of Art
Turingsense EU LAB is constantly working on improving key aspects for successful motion capture.
Here is a list of interventions already implemented and available for the development and development of a wearable product based on the Turingsense platform.
Low cost technology
Low cost IMU systems and industrially scalable overall system
Simple interfacing with the body
Direct integration of IMU inside clothing, without the presence of bands or pockets.
Daily usage of instrumentation
Sensorized clothing completely washable and with different customizable sizes
No electromagnetic disturbances
No use of the magnetometer, therefore complete immunity to electromagnetic disturbances
Optimal positioning on the body
Based on validated protocols, the sensors are positioned in stable areas of the body and the design of the sensorized clothing allows this stability to be maintained during movements
Quality of components
Turingsense constantly works with its partners to constantly raise the bar of the quality of the components used, remedying the intrinsic errors of the components.
Large variety of applications
Turingsense offers enormous flexibility from the point of view of customizing both the hardware and software
Data collection
Turingsense provides project templates and apps to speed up data collection for research or algorithm development purposes

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